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FS22 - Horsch Agrovation Pack - Farming Simulator 22 Xbox One & Series X|S (покупка на новый аккаунт)

  • FS22 - Horsch Agrovation Pack - Farming Simulator 22 Xbox One & Series X|S (покупка на новый аккаунт)
  • Издатель: Giants Software
  • Игра: FS22 - Horsch AgroVation Pack
  • Наличие: Есть в наличии
  • 795 руб.

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Specialists in low-till, soil-conservation farming – that is what HORSCH is best known for. Enjoy wider working widths and a high level of detail that make these machines stand out from the competition.
The HORSCH AgroVation Pack for Farming Simulator 22 features 14 new implements from direct drills to cultivators and harrows and – a special highlight of this content pack – a completely revised AgroVation map.
Versatility, High Working Speeds and Low Horsepower Requirements

The HORSCH AgroVation Pack has everything you need for efficient tillage, seedbed preparation and drilling:

The Maestro 24.50 SV and 9.75 RX planters for maximum efficiency are ideal for small, irregular, as well as large field sizes. Or use the Avatar 12.25 D direct drill for conventional tilling and sowing under different conditions like direct seeding.

Farmers with many smaller fields looking for a low-weight seed drill with high maneuverability may find their match with the Taro 6 SL plus Partner 1600 front tank combination.
The Transformer 12 VF variable frame hoe really lives up to its name: thanks to its sturdy and compact design, highly adaptable working position, and numerous options, this machine excels in performance, versatility, and precision.
Explore the recreation of the real-world AgroVation farm
In addition, this Pack introduces a new map to Farming Simulator 22. Recreating the HORSCH AgroVation farm located in Kněžmost, Czech Republic.
With its wide array of differently sized fields and a ton of details, you can use the new fleet of machines in their natural habitat.
Whether you are a HORSCH fan already or enjoy working a variety of both large and small fields in an authentic real-life scenario, the HORSCH AgroVation Pack offers great value for everyone.
Included machines in the HORSCH AgroVation Pack
Avatar 12.25 SD
Cultro 9 TC
Cultro 12 TC
Cura 24 ST
Finer 6 SL
Joker 8 RT
Maestro 9.75 RX
Maestro 24.50 SV
Partner 1600 FT
Pronto 3 DC
Pronto 6 DC
Taro 6 SL
Tiger 8 MT
Transformer 12 VF
Информация об игре
DLC к игре Farming Simulator 22
Дата релиза 24.07.2023
Жанр Симуляция, Дополнение
Разработчик GIANTS Software
Издатель GIANTS Software
Платформы Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Регион приобретения Турция
Вид приобретения Покупка на аккаунт

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