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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Gold Edition Xbox Series X|S (покупка на любой аккаунт) (США)

  • Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Gold Edition Xbox Series X|S (покупка на любой аккаунт) (США)
  • Издатель: Deep Silver
  • Игра: Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Gold Edition
  • Наличие: Нет в наличии
  • 13 775 руб.

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance II is a thrilling Action RPG, set amid the chaos of a civil war in 15th Century Bohemia.

You are Henry of Skalitz – an ordinary man doing extraordinary things – caught in a gripping tale of revenge, betrayal and discovery as he embarks on an epic journey, 'from a humble blacksmith's forge to the court of Kings', as he searches for purpose in this beautiful but brutal medieval world.

From bustling city streets to lush forests, discover this open-world Medieval Europe through an unforgettable adventure filled with action, thrill and wonder.


A Tale of Love and Revenge
Live life through the eyes and actions of Henry, a young man on a quest to avenge his murdered parents. His story – illustrated with over five hours of stunning cinematics – takes him from aspiring warrior to rebel, crossing paths with a charismatic cast of characters and an unforgettable set of adventures, as he goes up against the King of Hungary, Sigismund the Red Fox and his fearsome allies.

A True RPG Experience
Your actions shape Henry’s destiny and how the world will react to him. Customize freely his appearance, skills and equipment while taking a moral stance on the events around you. Travel round the land engaging in unique activities, such as blacksmithing and archery, to truly immerse yourself in this vibrant region of Europe that will remember your actions, forever.

Live a Life Medieval
This stunningly authentic rendition of 15th Century Bohemia allows you to experience this fascinating setting like never before. Get lost in a sprawling city, engage with peasants and talk with nobles while exploring a vast and rich countryside with taverns, bath houses, castles and more.

Authentic First-Person Combat
Feel the clash of steel and visceral combat as you engage in thrilling real-time battles. There’s a range of authentic weapons and combat styles to suit every player. On foot, horse or by stealth, you can specialise in elegant sword mastery, brutal blunt weapons or deadly ranged attacks.
Информация об игре
Тип Игра
Дата релиза 04.02.2025
Жанр Комплекты
Разработчик Warhorse Studios
Издатель Deep Silver
Платформы Xbox Series X|S
Языки Нет информации
Регион приобретения США
Вид приобретения Покупка на аккаунт
Какой аккаунт подходит Любой аккаунт

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В нашем ассортименте обширная библиотека игр для консолей Xbox One и Xbox Series X|S, среди них можно купить игру Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Gold Edition, которая приобретается по сниженной цене специально для Вас. Игра приобретается в регионе Турция по цене, ниже Российского Xbox Store. Мы гарантируем, что после приобретения игры , она навсегда останется на Вашем аккаунте, без каких-либо проблем. Хотите купить ключ Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Gold Edition Xbox Series X|S (покупка на любой аккаунт) (США)? Заказывайте скорее и в кратчайшие сроки ключ игры будет у вас на почте) И заранее, приятной Вам игры)