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Noel the Mortal Fate Xbox One & Series X|S (покупка на любой аккаунт / ключ) (Польша)

  • Noel the Mortal Fate Xbox One & Series X|S (покупка на любой аккаунт / ключ) (Польша)
  • Издатель: PLAYISM
  • Игра: Noel the Mortal Fate
  • Наличие: Есть в наличии
  • 11 110 руб.
  • 1 852 руб.

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* Продукт Noel the Mortal Fate Xbox One & Series X|S (покупка на любой аккаунт / ключ) (Польша) приобретается на ВАШ ЛЮБОЙ АККАУНТ от которого вы должны предоставить нам логин и пароль при оформлении заказа.

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Noel the Mortal Fate is an adventure title which started serialization as a free game in 2016 and later spawned comics and novels.
This version of the game has been remade for a console experience, with updated UI, story and dialogue. It follows the story from the prologue through Season 7 of the series where the real battle begins for Noel and her companions.
Furthermore it now supports full HD and so can better enjoy how the epic story unfolds.
This version also features Season 3.5, a bonus season which takes place between the Burrows and Jillian storylines.

■Game System
Gameplay is made up of Adventure sections where you can experience the deep story and Game sections where you can enjoy various gimmicks and action sequences.
With simple, intuitive controls and challenging but fair puzzles, players will be able to focus on the story as they progress through the game.

■Plot Summary
The story takes place in the fictional town of Lhaplus.
Noel Cerquetti, the daughter of a prestigious family, takes part in a piano competition to decide the pianist for the city’s memorial ceremony, fancying herself the clear winner.
Little does she know that the competition was rigged by a mysterious party, and would lead her down a tragic path.
Racked by guilt, she nevertheless agrees to a contract with the devil Caron, in order to get revenge on those who wronged her by sacrificing herself.
The events that follow will drag Noel into the growing darkness that surrounds Lhaplus, where she will experience first hand the grief and hatred of those who have been caught up in the machinations of devils.
Информация об игре
Тип Игра
Дата релиза 26.07.2022
Жанр Экшн и Приключения
Разработчик KANAWO
Издатель PLAYISM
Платформы Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Языки Нет информации
Регион приобретения Польша
Вид приобретения Ключ

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В нашем ассортименте обширная библиотека игр для консолей Xbox One и Xbox Series X|S, среди них можно купить игру Noel the Mortal Fate, которая приобретается по сниженной цене специально для Вас. Игра приобретается в регионе Турция по цене, ниже Российского Xbox Store. Мы гарантируем, что после приобретения игры , она навсегда останется на Вашем аккаунте, без каких-либо проблем. Хотите купить ключ Noel the Mortal Fate Xbox One & Series X|S (покупка на любой аккаунт / ключ) (Польша)? Заказывайте скорее и в кратчайшие сроки ключ игры будет у вас на почте) И заранее, приятной Вам игры)